Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Saying Goodbye

As some of you know, my family and i have moved 600km's north of where we were living. We weren't sure how permanent it was going to be, we were taking each day at a time and hoping hubby would find the job he most wanted. That job has been found! Horray! No more truck driving for him and we will be a family of 5 every day instead of one day a week :o)

Now the day has come to say a proper goodbye to the place we have called home for the past 10 years. Where my husband and i fell in love. Where our 3 young children have grown into the slightly older children they are now. Where us as a family have experienced so many things, good and bad, but in the end it has all been a learning experience and one we wouldn't change.

It's not quite as sad as i've made it out to be lol, we still have this place to come back to when we have holidays (if it doesn't get sold beforehand) but we won't be able to come down every weekend as we have been. It just feels more final now as the place is near empty, most of the animals have been sold and this chapter is being closed to allow us to start afresh.

So i say my goodbyes as i close the door behind me, leaving our home and all the memories we made here. Onwards to a new adventure and a new home, again lol

Until next time


Rose said...

Good luck on this new venture!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the move. It is hard to say goodbye, but you have many new adventures to look forward to.