Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Beginings

We have moved! From Western Victoria to Northern Victoria, close to 500kms from home, might not sound a lot to some but for me it’s a looong way. . The house we are residing in is hopefully temporary; more on that at a later date just keep your fingers crossed for us 

Setting up home in a new town is fun but I will admit I am homesick. I miss the farm. I miss my veggie patch – water restrictions here mean I can’t have a garden or even a back lawn for the kids to run around. No animals – the rental is a no pet zone. I can’t holler at the kiddies lol, we are in town with neighbours all around, Most of all I miss having looong conversations with my mum. I can still chat to her from here but I have to be mindful of the costs. I’ve emailed her each day since we’ve been here lol. So yep, it’s bad homesickness for now and no amount of chocolate will compensate for it lol

The town we are in is very touristy. The caravan park is overfull with holidaying families. The river is always a hive of activity with boats and skiers. We’ve sat on the bank and watched, dangling our feets in the water.
Playing at the play park has been a regular morning activity for us. The kiddies enjoy the swings, slides, monkey bars etc while I pound the pavement for a morning walk.
Lucky for me there are no interesting shops hehe, even the newsagent is a little on the dull side.

Next week we will be enrolling the girls in school, and then we will sort out their uniforms and book lists. Unfortunately, we couldn’t find a red uniformed school lol so I’ll be purchasing entire new uniforms. My little man will be enrolled in kinder too! How scary!

Until next time
Happy 2010, may it be a goal-achieving year for you all


Luisa said...

This so reminds me of the time we moved from Tassie to Healesville 3 years ago, when our son started kinder there!
Good luck, it takes time for everything to settle, hope it's streamlined for you, and not too stressful.