Monday, May 28, 2012

New family members

Our home is turning into a zoo lol On Saturday i took hubby and the munchkins to Melbourne for a spontaneous day trip. I returned home with hubby and the munchkins along with 2 hens, 3 pullets, 4 chickens, 2 ducklings and a bunny rabbit! It was a noisey car trip lol So, without further ado, meet our new additions :)






                        Annabelle, Bessiebelle, Isobelle (aka The Belle sisters)

                                          No named chicks

The chicks are nameless as we don't know the gender of them yet. Our luck they'll all be roosters lol Not too sure on the ducklings either but names were wanted so if there's any identity crisis down the track, blame the munchkins ;) Etta has already rewarded us with an egg both Sunday and today, Monday :) Until next time ~x~