Monday, August 20, 2012

Animal family

We've more new additions to our animal family.

1 is for the freezer, yum! The other we're still debating wether to keep her or pop her in the freezer too. I'm leaning towards the freezer as i know how big she'll get and we don't really have the room for her when she's a grown adult although it would be nice to keep her. Either way, i have around 5 months to make my mind up lol

Met the new girls, Jap (just a pig) and Sulky. Sulky earnt her name because she got the sads on when we put her in the trailer. She kept side glancing at us as if to say 'why have you taken me away from my siblings?' She's still doing it lol. Jap got her name because any animal we have who is destined for the freezer has to have a suitable dinner name so the kids know not to get too attatched. We tossed around some other names such as pork chop, spare rib, yumyum but decided Roasted Just a Pig will go nicely with Roasted Just a Pumpkin lol

Until next time