Thursday, February 25, 2010

What side of the bed... you sleep on and why?

Hubby and i were having this discussion late one night after yet again he refused to move to his side of the bed.

In the 10 years we have been together i have nearly always slept on the right hand side of the bed (if you're standing at the foot of the bed looking at it). The only time i haven't is in certain motels of cabins. Why would this be so? The one and only logical reason we could come up with, is it's the side closest to the door and being a mother i am the one who keeps an ear open while sleeping so i can hear if the kids wake in the night.

We tried fooling this theory. We visulised the sides our parents, siblings, any relation and friend slept on. There was only one exception, hubby's sister, but we then realized she does sleep on the right hand side, it's the door that is on the wrong side lol.

We even mentally rearranged the bedrooms, placing the beds against a different wall but it was always the same, female on right side of the bed.

We thought maybe if you were a left-handed person it might change but no, not the case. Admittidly, we couldn't think of more then 5 lefty's lol

So, i ask, could there be another answer as to why a majority of females slep on the right side of the bed? Let me know if there is, it's an ongoing topic in this home.

Until next time
sleep comfortably


Hana said...

Hooray! It seems to work now! :-)
This is an issue I have no experience with yet... but it'll keep lurking in my head until I do, I'm pretty sure... :P
Good luck in your new neighbourhood!

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it

twisted soul said...

Thank you Anonymous :) I will try my best.

The Webbers Living a Good Life, again said...

I sleep on what I call the right side (with my right arm to edge of bed) because I'm always right! :D I love that bed!!

twisted soul said...

Ahhh, you are one of the few exceptions! Technically you sleep on the left side of the bed, if you are looking at it from the foot of the bed, unless you lay on your stomach with your right arm to the edge of the bed? Oh gosh, you are confusing! :P
I'm hoping my hubby will make that bed for me, it's just gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that IS thought provoking! I TOTALLY sleep on the right side, and hubby and I tried switching sides (in regards to the door location) years ago and I couldn't sleep at all! So, back to the right (and right/correct) side of the bed for me!