Sunday, October 18, 2009

House Hunting

The past few weeks have seen DH and i trawl through real-estate websites searching for a new place to call home. It's an exciting procedure but also very frustrating. We both have different thoughts on what we are looking for. DH want's alot of acerage, multiple sheds and a house that can be done up. I would like a modest amount of acerage with a house that doesn't need too much work done to it, the reason being, DH works away from home and the home we live in now hasn't had alot of tender loving care giving to it!

Over the weekend we traveled 4 hours to inspect a potential home. The photo's we'd seen from the realtor made us fall in love with the whole package. Disappointment set in fast though :( It wasn't quite a disaster zone, yes it could be saved if we worked hard and put alot more money into it but that was the least of our worries.

So now it's back to the hunting and it's more frustrating! It seems in one week the housing market has disappeared! Places that were of interest are under contract and 99% of the time that means sold. New places have too many negatives from our list of pros and cons. We are not that fussy, really lol.

While the hunting continues, the home we are in is still on the market. Fingers still crossed it sells quickly but from now i am taking one day at a time and not getting my hopes up :)

Until next time