Saturday, August 1, 2009


I 'm in a rut! The past 6 months or so i've felt like uprooting the family and moving further north or interstate or just travelling around the country for 6 - 12 months. Dropping everything and starting afresh.

I've been checking the job boards for farm jobs for DH but nothing seems appropriate yet. Maybe it's part of my procrastinating lol.

I'm willing to homeschool the children if we can't find a permanent farm posistion. DD7 would be in her element travelling around the country side and learning hands on. DD9 is like me when i was younger, doesn't appeal to change and loves her school and friends too much to leave (but oh how that has changed with me!). DS4 loves being with his daddy and will follow wherever we go lol.

I was chatting with DH today and he feels somewhat the same. Problem is we are both hesitant to do it.

Would it be possible to up and leave everything and live a somewhat gypsy life? I put the question out there to 'friends' on a forum and they answered quite positively. Do it do it do it! Your kids will benefit and learn lots! You'll never never know... if you never never go! Don't let fear stop you, if you feel in your heart it is right, go and enjoy!

My problem is i want to do it now! I don't want to have to plan it, it supposed to be spontaneous. Unfortunately i have to have my head screwed on tight for this major unbalance i want to bring upon my family. So much to think about, tying up of loose ends and asking favours of people. Oh what i'd give to be footloose and fancy free.... on sencond thoughts, i wouldn't give up what i have for anything! If we are to take this adventure we will do it together!

Until next time
Smile brightly


Nikki Dee said...

My parents did it when we were all young and it was great! I just wish I had have been older so I could remember it more!

They got jobs on farms etc and we went to heaps of different schools, even did school of the air in NT.

This was almost 30 years ago though so not sure how different it would be these days but it would be a great experience!